我自己用OBi200,firmware update后就没问题了。
那个 SteveInWA 说的可能不对,
SSL/TLS certificate 检验的程序应该没什么变化,我想是某些验证网站还没收到新申请批准的证书引起google voice connection backing off。现在大概都得到了,断电重启也没事。就是苦了苦大侠了,公司里一下那么多电话都断了。
OBi devices act as Google "Chat" (XMPP) clients, that can receive calls forwarded from a Google Voice inbound phone number. To do that, the OBi device needs to connect to a XMPP server in Google's pool of servers. Since this is a secure connection, the device needs a valid SSL/TLS certificate to connect. Google is changing their server certificates. This is causing some, but not all, OBi<-->Google XMPP connection attempts to be rejected by the server, when attempting to connect to one of their servers with a new certificate installed. Since the server pool is load-balanced, some users are affected, and others not.
Google is rolling out the new certificates, and so eventually, all OBi devices will fail to connect.