old-cotton2004-07-21 23:01:54
GO to Start menu --> All Programs --> then click on the MSN Explorer (YOU MUST SIGN UP for a @msn.com e-mail from the MSN Explorer e-mail whether you like it or not)

Then follow the instructions to create a new account (click on I already have Internet Access )
It will proceed to ask you questions about password / secret question / demographics and once you create your username & passowrd, click on the Mail (within msn explorer NOT INTERNET EXPLORER) icon and on the left it will display 0% of 2000MB

the free 2gb accounts also have POP access

POP3: pop3.email.msn.com
SMTP: smtp.email.msn.com
BMW325I2004-07-22 00:53:28
揭开 2G MSN 邮箱的真面目! (图)
有便宜就占2004-07-22 00:54:28
一直疑惑不解2004-07-22 04:02:51
自己动首丰衣足食2004-07-22 14:10:15
ppzcgg2004-07-22 17:12:28
因为gmail 不是普通的 web mail! 有“新概念”
借名2004-07-23 10:26:23