tttt032004-08-31 18:09:12
Could any one help me with picture editing? I have 2500X1800 photo from digital camera. when i use photoshop to resize it to 320x240. it becomes blur or fuzzy. i do use several steps to resize, use "sharpen". But it is still fuzzy? any suggestion?
Thanks a lot!!!!
whatawaste2004-08-31 21:12:12
waste of $ on your camera!
tttt032004-08-31 21:19:27
i need to put online
CutOnce2004-08-31 21:23:55
Oversharpen then reduce size
tttt032004-09-01 00:24:40
回复:Oversharpen then reduce size
CutOnce2004-09-01 01:23:50
Then reduce oversharpen or