manythanks2004-10-28 04:28:50
sorry not use chinese, i just recovered my computer, no chinese input right now.

i usually use netscape in order to avoid virus, but these few days, i just keep getting w32.randex.gen, w32.Sasser.E.Worm, etc, my Symantec antivirus already deleted them, but it is anoying to get the notification. and my the space of my hard drive reduced a lot either. could anyone tell me why i got virus? i haven't use ie for a long time.

also, i'm thinking of using linix instead of windows because i'm tired of backup and recovery computer, but i don't have any background of it, could you please tell me:
1. does it has access to remote login to my school server?
2. does it support chinese input?
3. does it has media player?
4. can i download movies and musics?
5. can i connect it with my digital camera?
6. and which version i should download?

thanks so much for your help!