cg3332004-12-20 19:03:19
Does any gurus here know how to add 5 empty rows in an excel documents after each row. I am working on a document which has 2000 rows and wish to add 5 empty rows after each row. I know how to do it manully, I am looking for a way to do it automatically.
ComeInside2004-12-20 20:11:47
U R 2 naive! Here's the method
I'mnaive.2004-12-21 01:03:12
You are so great,
cg3332004-12-21 03:02:38
回复:U R 2 naive! Here's the method
ComeInside2004-12-21 05:19:51
ITguys12004-12-21 06:27:03
A macro can fix this easily!
高科技蓝领工人2004-12-21 07:02:16
Try this VBA code