甲子2006-02-22 20:06:13
This piece of code use xp_smtp_sendmail untility.
It suppose to lookup email addresses in the email table, send the email to the people still havn't send their timecard yet. However It only send the email to the last person in the table. I wonder where it is wrong?

Use IT

@rc INT

Declare MyCursor Cursor For

Select email_addr+',' From email Where Stat = 'O'

Open MyCursor

Fetch Next From MyCursor Into @TO

While @@Fetch_Status = 0


Print @To

Fetch Next From MyCursor Into @To

exec @rc = master.dbo.xp_smtp_sendmail
@FROM = N'timecard_admin@aed.org',
@to = @TO,
@FROM_NAME = N'Timecard_Admin',
@priority = N'NORMAL',
@subject = N'This is just a testing email.',
@message = N'Your timesheet is overdue, please send it ASAP.',
@type = N'text/plain',
@server = N'mail.aed.org'
select RC = @rc

Close MyCursor

Deallocate MyCursor
royyor2006-02-22 22:31:01
打PP - 先 exec, 最后再 Fetch Next