eBlazer2006-02-24 10:24:57
I have a Linksys wired router (model: BEFSR41), but couldn't get on to the Internet.

I was wondering is there anything wrong with the setting coz I am positive that the router is a working device.

I set the router to get IP automatically rather than PPPoE since I was not given any username or password by Verizon.

I only need to have two computers access the Internet. One is Windows XP Home Edition, the other is Windows 2000 Professional.

Any comments will be appreciated.
乔老老爷2006-02-24 14:56:17
回复:Verizon DSL router setting
鸡毛蒜皮2006-02-24 15:30:52
回复:Verizon DSL router setting
eBlazer2006-02-24 18:50:49
当不用router直接modem连一台电脑时, 没有任何界面弹出来
PantyM2006-02-25 02:38:09
Go to their web site... they have step by step help there.
PantyM2006-02-25 02:42:15
one more thing, verizon can reset password for you...