走马读人2011-07-28 12:55:21

呆 vs.长--can be analyzed by structure.

呆字起源于保护婴儿,see illustration above

... both overprotect and no protect will hamper growth.

Dull may opposed to desirous,

Main Entry: dull
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: unintelligent
Synonyms: addled, backward, besotted, boring, brainless, daffy, daft, dense, dim, dim-witted, doltish, dumb, feeble-minded, half-baked, ignorant, imbecilic, indolent, insensate, low, moronic, not bright, numskulled, obtuse, scatterbrained, shallow, simple, simple-minded, slow, sluggish, stolid, stupid, tedious, thick, unintellectual, vacuous, wearisome, witless
Antonyms: intelligent, keen, sharp, smart, witty
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: insensitive
Synonyms: accustomed, apathetic, blank, boring, callous, colorless, dead, depressed, empty, even, flat, heavy, impassible, inactive, indifferent, inert, insensible, jejune, languid, lifeless, listless, lumpy, monotonous, passionless, placid, prosaic, quiet, regular, routine, slack, slow, sluggish, spiritless, stagnant, still, stolid, torpid, unexciting, unresponsive, unsympathetic, usual, vacuous
Antonyms: lively, quick, sensitive, vivacious
成长2011-07-28 14:35:41
走马读人2011-07-28 16:28:56
d..u..l..l could be rearranged to a 呆