小源2012-04-17 15:35:09


听了“The Garden of Cosmic Speculation” 的介绍后,被苏格兰人这个很具特色的园艺创作惊讶, 她将科技数学中的几何图形,宇宙间的物体(黑洞),生物中的DNA,数学中的 factal 很美妙地融进了生活,让人耳目一新,激起幻想。这个创意是在中国园艺哲学观的影响下发展而来的。

”Its design was influenced by Chinese garden philosophy. One of its main features is long snaking curves and waves that both satisfied the couple's love for Chinese landscape painting and complemented the Scottish hills around them. Jencks makes use of one of the new scientific theories as well, the theory of complexity, which states that everything is "self organizing and harmonic".



sinead42732012-04-17 16:01:09
WOW, 小声问一下, 你是不是科学家? 谢谢!
小源2012-04-17 16:11:29
啊,mm声音不小啊,地球那边都能听到 :)我听的是一个artist 的介绍
加州花坊2012-04-17 16:25:40