走马读人2012-07-31 14:12:15

One of my methods is induction, break up then sum up.

For example, from dept. to dep. , from word depart to deprive, about 40+words I can explain by a few words and connected with Chinese.

deprave--deprive, deport--depression

成长2012-07-31 15:28:39
苗青青2012-07-31 15:54:56
研究自己喜欢的事情,乐在其中吧? 祝福您成果多多!
走马读人2012-07-31 16:13:32
苗青青-成长, these words can be grouped as same
sinead42732012-07-31 22:14:38
Thank you so, so, so much. INDEED. I am taking your class! Thx again!