加州花坊2013-10-15 06:35:17
An 18-foot long oarfish washed ashore at Catalina Island over the weekend. It took 15 adults to carry it up the beach to get a better look. Catalina Island Marine Institute instructors say it appears the fish died naturally. Biologists say the giant oarfish is the longest bony fish species, topping at around 56 feet. They are also thought to be responsible for sea serpent sightings throughout history.

An 18-foot long oarfish washed ashore at Catalina Island over the weekend.
It took 15 adults to carry it up the beach to get a better look. Catalina Island Marine Institute instructors say it appears the fish died naturally.
Biologists say the giant oarfish is the longest bony fish species, topping at around 56 feet. They are also thought to be responsible for sea serpent sightings throughout history.
成长2013-10-15 13:41:22
SINEAD42732013-10-15 17:55:47
花姐: LG 是钓鱼 “专家”,刚才和他讲了。 他又给俺上课了。 哈哈。
加州花坊2013-10-16 04:07:51
成长2013-10-16 04:32:53
SINEAD42732013-10-16 23:51:01
明天再叫 LG 讲一篇, 我再给写下来 告诉大家。