加州花坊2010-01-26 19:37:28
A group of 45 year old guys discuss where they should meet for dinner. Finally they agree to meet at the Kelley's Restaurant because the waitresses have low cut blouses and nice breasts.

10 years later at age 55, the group agrees to meet at Kelley's because the food is good and the wine selection is excellent.

10 years later at age 65, the group agrees to meet at Kelley's because they can eat there in peace and quiet and the restaurant is smoke free.

10 years later at age 75, the group agrees to meet at Kelley's because the restaurant is wheel chair accessible and they have an elevator.

10 years later at age 85, the group agrees to meet at Kelley's because they have never been there before
龙坡居士2010-01-26 21:47:05
在哪儿聚? 反正告诉您您也记不住啦~~~~~哈哈哈哈
taitaidehuayuan2010-01-26 22:09:24
哈哈哈~貌似对45岁以上的都有魅力! 花姐给这家做了广告呢!
加州花坊2010-01-27 04:07:09