If it is remarkable when a nation has become indifferent to its constitutional theory, to its national sentiments, its ethical customs and virtues, it is certainly no less remarkable when a nation loses its metaphysics, when the spirit which contemplates its own pure essence is no longer a present reality in the life of the nation.
Logic thus falls generally into objective and subjective logic, but more specifically it has three parts:
I The logic of being
II The logic of essence, and
III The logic of the Notion
而黑格尔这里所说的客观逻辑指的就是传统的形而上学,而主观逻辑就是传统的逻辑(这一点读者自己很容易查到,我这里不赘述了)。可见,就黑格尔的本意来说,他并不是要将他的逻辑与形而上学或形式逻辑对立起来,只是要将两者统 一起来而已。
1. The Science of Logic, G. W. F. Hegel, trans. A. V. Miller, George Allen & Unwin, 1969, New York: Humanity Books.
3. 黑格爾本體論構造之邏輯缺 陷,戴榕菁,香港現代人文文庫,201704