L2022-10-12 13:29:21


Biden sends a careful but chilling new nuclear message to Putin in CNN interview

It’s never going to feel normal to hear a president discussing the danger of “Armageddon” – especially now, on camera.

But Joe Biden used an exclusive CNN interview on Tuesday to send another careful, yet clear and chilling message to Russian President Vladimir Putin about the disastrous consequences of using nuclear weapons in the war in Ukraine.

The first president since the 1980s to really have to game out calculations about nuclear arsenals and deterrence, Biden was asked by Jake Tapper whether he thought that Putin – who has warned he is prepared to use every option in Russia’s arsenal – might consider detonating one of the world’s most heinous weapons as an act of desperation in a losing war.

Biden replied: “I don’t think he will.”

性浪2022-10-12 13:42:00
欲借嵯峨2022-10-12 13:43:58
现在油管上又出来很多当年里根拿前苏联领导人开涮的段子, 很多都是揶揄没人知道russian到底想干啥
无形剑2022-10-12 13:44:34
无形剑2022-10-12 13:46:01
葱酩2022-10-12 14:01:44
Clivias0072022-10-12 14:19:20
周老大2022-10-12 16:09:56