千帆竞逐2022-10-18 04:49:00


Boston University researchers claim to have developed new, more lethal COVID strain in lab

Researchers at Boston University added a spike protein from the Omicron variant with the original Wuhan strain, which has an 80% kill rate

The variant, a combination of Omicron and the original virus in Wuhan, killed 80% of the mice infected with it, the university said. When mice were only exposed to Omicron, they experienced mild symptoms.

The research was conducted by a team of scientists from Florida and Boston at the school's National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories. 


贝勒王2022-10-18 05:04:15
联合国应该出台法规禁止造病毒. 科学家有这精力干点儿啥不好.
千帆竞逐2022-10-18 05:07:10
红米20192022-10-18 13:20:32
性浪2022-10-18 13:58:00
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