hightemp2010-11-06 01:51:54

请问哪位高人用过custom Broker觉的好的,给推荐一下好吗?custom broker 是不是翻译成清关代理?是否不用是本地的? 是不是在sea port 的custom broker 比较好一点?

汉八刀2010-11-07 01:31:07
回复:请推荐好的Custom Broker with inland freight fleet
hightemp2010-11-07 02:46:14
回复:回复:请推荐好的Custom Broker with inland freight fleet
dbu96882010-11-07 04:28:29
www.sfsystems.net 清关,送货!
hightemp2010-11-07 05:05:14
回复:www.sfsystems.net 清关,送货!Thanks a lot.
dbu96882010-11-07 05:32:53
they did some for me. Send email quotation.
汉八刀2010-11-07 14:35:39
回复:回复:www.sfsystems.net 清关,送货!Thanks a lot.
汉八刀2010-11-07 14:37:46
回复:回复:回复:请推荐好的Custom Broker with inland freight fleet
hightemp2010-11-08 01:53:36
wow! that's some insider info. 汉八刀, do you have any other
汉八刀2010-11-08 03:49:01
回复:wow! that's some insider info. 汉八刀, do you have any other