2timesfun2011-12-31 04:31:37
今天忽然想既然孩子喜欢在iPad上看Youtube 上的录像,我为何不让他们看些我想让他们看的录像呢。今早我们一起看Randy Pausch的最后一次演讲。孩子们,尤其是老大很喜欢!他把早饭端到电脑跟前来吃,就着Randy的这句话吃完了他的cereal:“The brick walls are there for a reason.  They are not there to keep us out.  The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something."  接下来我们还可以看Jobs 2005在Standford毕业典礼上的讲话和JK Rowling 在哈佛的演讲。

回到Jobs成功的第二大秘诀:Put a dent in the universe (志当存高远)。 苹果的vision 就是让每一个人手上都有一台个人电脑。

Vision 应该是bold, specific, concise and consistent.

Sequoia (著名风投)要求每一个申请资助的CEO都能用10个词说出自己的vision: "If you can't describe what you do in 10 words or fewer, I'm not buying, I'm not investing, I'm not interested. Period."

"Steve Jobs was a magical storyteller. For the next hour, he talked about how personal computers were going to change the world. He painted a picture of how it would change everything about the way we worked, educated our children and entertained ourselves.  You couldn't help but to buy in."  -- Rob Campbell

"Steve has a power of vision that is almost frightening," in the words of Trip Hawkins, former Apple VP.  "When Steve believes in something, the power of that vision can literally sweep aside any objections or problems.  They just cease to exist."

Bill Gates 早在2001 年就看到了平板电脑的光景,但他没能把他的vision传给微软员工,没能像乔布斯一样让团队里每一个人热血澎湃,所以最后是苹果而不是微软做出了iPad.

Passion is the fuel that gives you energy to reach your dreams, but vision provides the road map.

注:试图翻译"vision" 这个词,但实在想不出中文里对等的词汇,所以一直用“vision"。有谁知道,请告诉一声。

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