越王剑2022-05-17 23:49:35

顺势的结果就是: 盈利,盈利,盈利,割肉。。。nice run and done

逆势的结果就是:割肉,割肉,割肉,盈利。。。pretty suck. 仍然水下一千米。哈哈

If you're down 50%, you need 100% to break even

If you're down 60%, you need 150% to break even. 

l would say big drawn down is the most important factor of performance.

大好时光2022-05-18 00:01:19
9000oz2022-05-18 00:09:18
当然欢迎等瀑涨帮登场, 推我上去我也是割了韭菜快快坐滑梯下来.
猛牛2022-05-18 00:10:36
rav2022-05-18 00:22:36
大好时光2022-05-18 00:26:49
扑哧,,楼主可能是说的吓人帮just had a nice run...