yzout2018-05-21 09:36:56

Yang Kuang


Yang Kuang is the author or co-author of more than 150 refereed publications and books in mathematical biology and medicine. His most recent book is "Introduction to Mathematical Oncology" (2016). He founded and continues to edit the journal of Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. He has done extensive work in applying delay differential equation to models of biology and medicine. His research interests are mostly data or hypothesis inspired modeling efforts. His models often incorporate the chemical heterogeneity which is ubiquitous and highlight the importance of resource quantity and quality dynamics. Recently, he focuses on the formulation of scientifically well-grounded and computationally tractable mathematical models to describe the rich and intriguing dynamics of various within-host diseases and their treatments. Some of these models are being tested in clinical trials on late-stage prostate cancer treatment.