tuzhirong2005-08-12 20:50:33
my attorney just told that H1B for 2006 quota are all claimed

Is there anybody like me, just graduated this May and now quota for 2006 are all gone, what am I gonna do?

Any thoughts?
winrain2005-08-12 21:45:00
回复:H1B for 2006 is all full!!!
dbear2005-08-12 22:04:41
回复:H1B for 2006 is all full!!!
sqgs2005-08-12 22:19:51
first find another job.
tuzhirong2005-08-12 22:20:46
回复:回复:H1B for 2006 is all full!!!
YouAreOK2005-08-12 22:32:53
回复:H1B for 2006 is all full!!!
CityLove2005-08-12 22:43:50
This is not true
winrain2005-08-12 23:11:58
回复:回复:回复:H1B for 2006 is all full!!!