suyuyu2005-10-09 10:07:53
Hi guys,
Need your help!

My LC and I140 were approved and 1-485 had been submited a few months. However my checking account was overdrafted so Debt Management Center of INS sent notice to me and ask me to make payment within 14 days, otherwis all the applications will be denied. I made payment by credit card within 14 days however Debt Management Center didn't notice INS in time so all my applications were denied.
I called INS and they asked me to send credit card payment statement to verify I made payment in time.
Anyone had the similar situation? Any suggestion would be highly appreciated!

凭空多些扯皮的事2005-10-09 14:44:59
SureUcan2005-10-09 16:29:48
Don't worry
suyuyu2005-10-10 11:32:58
回复:Don't worry
problem2005-10-11 00:14:44
I heard someone had similar
SureUcan2005-10-11 00:18:19
回复:I-485 denied due to payment
suyuyu2005-10-11 04:25:01
回复:Thanks a lot回复:I-485 denie
suyuyu2005-10-11 04:48:45
Thank you回复:I heard someone