niw_win2005-10-09 20:12:46
Niw approved in two months from NSC, DIY.

hard case:

only postdoc, subject: plant biology, fundamental sciences, difficult to link with national interest, but we did it!!
no review articles, no award,
10 articles, 100 citation, 7 letters all from universties.that is all.

we did consult some lawyers who all told that our case would be diffcult, so we decided to do it ourself. and now we can tell, anyone can do it if you do your best.
almost one year preparation.
got lots information here, thanks for anyone and best wish to anyone.

if you need more information, you may

无可奈何2005-10-09 20:29:22
谁听说过EE NIW 拿到GC的,都是生物的?
niw_win2005-10-09 20:36:00
as my experience
无可奈何2005-10-09 20:54:45
niwroad2005-10-09 21:19:46
My major is Physics + EE
无可奈何2005-10-09 21:59:52
niwroa,I saw your post before
ytian2005-10-09 22:05:15
回复:谁听说过EE NIW 拿到GC的,都是生物的?
niwroad2005-10-09 22:31:57
回复:niwroa,I saw your post before
boostcour2005-10-09 22:38:58
回复:congrats on your 140 and
无可奈何2005-10-09 22:42:39
I don't really get your questi
niwroad2005-10-09 23:01:55
回复:I don't really get your questi
能赚多少?2005-10-10 00:58:52
485vscwait2005-10-10 01:25:24
I am EE, approved in 1 month
ZJC2005-10-10 03:11:23
niw_nsctoo2005-10-10 04:19:22
you should get it