walnut992006-01-24 02:36:24
今天收到加拿大移民局的第二封信, 要求语言考试, 而且说是" if they do not receive orignal language test results within 120 days from the date of this letter, they will make an assessment of my language proficiency based on the information you have provided and my aplication could be refused.

我在美国这边拿到的博士学位,还发表过文章, 而且这些证明我都提供给他们了,也写了一封语言的证明信, 请问我该怎么办? 很着急, 给点安慰, 先谢谢了
walnut992006-01-24 02:52:52
怎么没人理我? 真的很着急
xiaobaitu2006-01-24 04:24:03
回复:怎么没人理我? 真的很着急
xiaobaitu2006-01-24 04:27:08
別人安慰你也解決不了問題﹐該來的總會來﹐ 抓緊準備才是硬道理
飘零的民工2006-01-24 08:20:05
L052006-01-25 06:03:10
You should be OK.