summy2006-02-21 03:41:27
I want to file NIW by myself, my situation as below:
I am doing research in ob/gyn as a postdoc in US, but my previous postdoc was in neuroscience in other country. I got my phd in OB in china, however, my master degree was in Animal Science.

I have 12 papers (4 first author) and 6 conference abstracts (3 first author) which are from all periods I was in, my Chinese papers are cited well but they are in different field from my current.

Do you think I should put all the papers and citation in my application? And do I need to find a reference to adress my achievement in neuroscience or Animal Science?

Thanks a lot for your help in advance.
summy2006-02-21 03:49:30
XIAOBAITU and other DAXIAs, please 回复:NIW-special background
WorthIt2006-02-21 03:51:29
回复:NIW-special background
summy2006-02-21 05:09:51
回复:回复:NIW-special background
Future_Dream2006-02-21 15:51:48
回复:NIW-special background
Future_Dream2006-02-21 15:53:12
回复:XIAOBAITU and other DAXIAs, please 回复:NIW-special backg