fixanycars2006-03-27 04:07:59
we came to us w/ h1 and h4 in 2001 and my wife want to know if she can get at least 4 month or more, 2 entry h4 visa if she applys her visa at mexico. she has bought her round ticket for staying in china for 3 and half months. we have an appointment on April 20th at Matamoros for the visa, hope someone sheds some light on our case. Thanks.
yeeha2006-03-27 04:14:55
回复:can H4 get 2 entry, 4 month at Mexico? thanks
fixanycars2006-03-27 04:32:07
thanks you are right but you can get 2 entry,3month h4 at mexico
xiaobaitu2006-03-27 08:24:04
fixanycars2006-03-27 19:42:13
thanks,兔兄. but no one get more than 4 month?回复:墨西哥给的签
xiaobaitu2006-03-27 22:42:55
Someone got 6 months visa in Mexico,try ask that to VO
fixanycars2006-03-28 00:34:24
thanks a lot. we will ask for half y.回复:Someone got 6 months