hpds2006-04-11 18:38:50
两口子,读书、工作、layoff、读书,现在又工作。。。可是没申请绿卡。主要原因是当年申请的加拿大绿卡早批了,而美国的速度实在让人有些陪不起。要是现在动手申请美国的,天知道要到哪年哪月,(最少5年,是不?) 而且就意味着再别想“退”到加拿大了。



最近又闹非法移民的事,真不知道是不是我们一走,美国又来个什么连 H1 一起的大赦。我们算是倒霉透了。
headbig2006-04-11 18:52:51
same concern
wenxl2006-04-11 18:56:17
哪不是一样活吗? 干麻活得那么累?!
hpds2006-04-11 19:09:20
yeah, it is not like I have better choices.
CA552006-04-11 19:15:03
You really shouldn't wait this long
22mama2006-04-11 19:52:04
This means separation, a couple may got divorced...
22mama2006-04-11 19:52:45
if separated too long. What about the kids?
headbig2006-04-11 19:52:58
will be in montreal in 2 weeks
hpds2006-04-11 20:25:24
Good Luck and thanks
CA552006-04-11 20:38:12
Only 3 to 4 years. The one in US can drive to CA once or twice a
9611302006-04-12 03:56:12
回复:You really shouldn't wait this long