mikejp2006-04-25 06:53:52
物理专业, 国家实验室工作, 7份推荐信, 15 篇第一作者, 多篇会议文章,两个奖, 一个专业的MEMBERSHIP. 收到REF, 吓倒了, 这不是大部分的论点都不行了吗? 第一点, 是我写的太简单了, 只列举了项目及其FUNDING 号; 第三点, 我讲H1B 将要用完。请有经验的一定帮忙, 是我的材料不够STRONG,我应怎样回复? 要加推荐信吗?多谢了!

1, evidence that the alien's proposed employment will be national in scope

2, evidence that the alien seeks employment in an area of substantial intrinsic merit. His or her employment must be important and immediately apparent to the national interests of the united States

3, Evidence to persuasively demonstrate that national interest would be adversely affected if the petitioner were to take the time to obtain a labor certification for the alien
cherrybay2006-04-25 13:54:55
Which Center?
radiology2006-04-25 15:36:39
mikejp2006-04-25 15:55:11
回复:Which Center?
waiting20062006-04-25 16:34:52
回复:今天收到NIW RFE (DIY), 拜托大家帮忙
fsa20002006-04-25 17:20:45
回复:今天收到NIW RFE (DIY), 拜托大家帮忙
WorthIt2006-04-25 20:06:33
回复:今天收到NIW RFE (DIY), 拜托大家帮忙
mikejp2006-04-25 21:23:48
回复:回复:今天收到NIW RFE (DIY), 拜托大家帮忙