railman2006-05-18 00:15:05
Immigration bill moves forward
By Joanne Kenen

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate approved a compromise on Wednesday that would bar illegal immigrants with criminal records from becoming legal residents or U.S. citizens and backed building fences along strategic sections of the U.S.-Mexican border.

In another crucial vote that enhances the chances of Senate passage next week, the Senate by 66-33 defeated an attempt led by Louisiana Republican David Vitter to eliminate pivotal sections of the bill that creates a path for illegal immigrants to get legal status.

The 99-0 vote on the compromise blocking felons and people with three misdemeanor convictions was a key hurdle for the bipartisan immigration bill, which would tighten border security while creating a guest-worker program and a path toward citizenship for many of the nation's estimated 11 million to 12 million illegal immigrants.

On the border fence, the Senate by an 83-16 vote backed fences on 370 miles of the 2,000-mile (3,200-km) border, focusing on areas where there is a high volume of illegal crossings. About 70 miles already exist, although some of the fence is in disrepair, and the Department of Homeland Security already has plans to build the rest.

The fence amendment by Alabama Republican Jeff Sessions would also require vehicle barriers to be placed along 500 miles of the southwest border.

The bill faces more hurdles during the next week and tough negotiations with the U.S. House of Representatives.

The House approved a much tougher bill that cracks down on illegals and does not give them options for becoming legal residents. That bill calls for about 700 miles of border fence, almost twice the Senate version.


President George W. Bush made a rare nationally televised speech on immigration on Monday that backed the thrust of the Senate bill, and his top political aide, Karl Rove, came to the Capitol on Wednesday to discuss the issue with House Republicans.

"I'd seen some talk that maybe this was going to be a highly contentious meeting, the readout I get is that it was not at all, it was respectful, people were obviously having exchanges of views on things," White House spokesman Tony Snow said of Rove's talks. "Do not assume that all positions are absolutely chiseled in stone."

The issue is extremely sensitive in a congressional election year when Republicans face many challenges to maintaining their control of the House and Senate.

Conservatives oppose any hint of an amnesty for illegals, while many business groups want a pool of foreign workers and Hispanic groups are flexing political muscle demanding legalization. Another large rally and march to the Capitol was planned for late on Wednesday.

An earlier version of the amendment on criminals by Republicans Sens. Jon Kyl of Arizona and John Cornyn of Texas was seen as a "poison pill" that could have sunk the bill.

The compromise version kept the ban on felons and people with three misdemeanor convictions. To win backing, it granted waivers under some circumstances for illegal immigrants who had ignored deportation orders. For instance, they would be allowed to stay in the United States if their departures would cause "extreme hardship" to family members in the country legally.

"This amendment simply closes a loophole and strengthens the bill, and it will help keep Americans safe by ensuring that no felons or repeat criminal offenders will receive amnesty or citizenship," Cornyn said.

(Additional reporting by Steve Holland and Thomas Ferraro)
