1110122006-05-26 16:00:44
请教专家, 刚通过的移民法中5年非法移民到底是怎么定义的呢?
如果说6年前到美国, 2年前才非法(这是可能的, 比如说读完书后没找到工作),这算不算非法5年呢?是不是不论来多久, 即使来了10年,也一定要有5年是非法的呢? 我有很多同学(包括我自己)都觉很冤,学费,律师费花了不少不说,身份让人这个烦就更不用提了.现在找的工作薪水太低,勉强有了hib,绿卡是没希望的.我要是现在黑掉 (来7年) ,符合5年条款吗?谢谢.
eeeyeee2006-05-26 16:06:46
You could say "I made some money outside campus 5 years ago"
einmaliger2006-05-26 16:07:31
Folks, calm down. There is nothing in effect before
1110122006-05-26 16:17:17
Thank you for replying, but how can you prove that?
cth1632006-05-26 16:18:34
严重同意. 别拿那些参院, 众院单边的所谓法案来蛊惑人心.
cth1632006-05-26 16:20:08
If you got a car accident 5 years ago. That is a strong evidence
1110122006-05-26 16:30:59
Thank you, but why car accident is a prove?
cth1632006-05-26 16:33:07
Because your name is on the report and they know you were here 5
cth1632006-05-26 16:33:56
years ago. That is the prove.
1110122006-05-26 16:44:42
1110122006-05-26 16:47:13
Thank you, but how that report can prove i am illegl here?
radiology2006-05-26 16:48:03
cth1632006-05-26 19:37:12
No document = Illegal.
cth1632006-05-26 19:38:45
They have records if you are legal. If no, illegal.
beijinggirl2006-05-27 02:28:00