gc6662006-06-02 18:25:23
My son is 17+ years old. On his I485 form, who should sign? himself or parent?

I am confussed because his medical check form is signed by parent since the doctor said he is not 18 yet, parent must sign for him. But the lawyer said, my son's 485 must sign by himself. It is right?

Apprecite your answer!
Sorry I cannot input Chinese yet.

radiology2006-06-02 18:27:56
gc6662006-06-02 18:32:39
回复:回复:都可以,--thanks for fast response
gc6662006-06-02 18:34:58
回复:回复:都可以 if medical sign by parent and 485 sign bu him
gc6662006-06-02 18:36:07
:都可以 by himeslf, is it ok?