March20062006-06-02 20:09:25
I got RFE from Nebraska Center.

To qualify as an alien of exceptional ability, the individual must submit:
a. evidence which demonstrates widespread acclaim and international recognition accorded the alien by recognized experts in their field;
b. documentation showing that the alien's work in that field during the past year did, and the alien's intended work in the United States will, require exceptional ability; and
c. documentation concerning the alien from at least two of the following seven groups:
i. Documentation of the alien's receipt of internationally recognized prizes or awards for excellence in the field for which certification is sought.
ii. Documentation of the alien's membership in international associations, in the field for which certification is sought, which require outstanding achievement of their members, as judged by recognized international experts in their disciplines or fields.
iii. Published material in professional publications about the alien, relating to the alien's work in the field for which certification is sought, which shall include the title, date, and author of such published material.
iv. Evidence of the alien's participation on a panel, or individually, as a judge of the work of others in the same or in an allied field of specialization to that for which certification is sought.
v. Evidence of the alien's original scientific or scholarly research contributions of major significance in the field for which certification is sought.
vi. Evidence of the alien's authorship of published scientific or scholarly articles in the field for which certification is sought, in international professional journals or professional journals with an international circulation.
vii. Evidence of the display of the alien's work, in the field for which certification is sought, at artistic exhibitions in more than one country.

The officer seems to ignor all my submitted evidence. I submitted 5 letters and around 20 citations. One letter from my manager, the other four letters were from independent referee. I do need help about this. Thanks very much. Any input will be appreciated.
LoveWhiteRabbit2006-06-02 20:42:21
radiology2006-06-02 23:01:21
回复:recom- letters are not evidence, papers and citations