cl5002006-06-06 03:45:02
permanent resident status has been approved. Both my wife and I got new jobs after that. My wife is a citizen. Now I'm waiting for my green card to mail to me. After we both move to the different states. Should I change the address of mine or my wife's. Thank you very much.
xiaobaitu2006-06-06 03:49:16
I have answered your question downstair
cl5002006-06-06 03:51:34
I saw it. Thank you for your help again!
cl5002006-06-06 03:53:19
This web site had a problem for awhile. I couldn't find.
xiaobaitu2006-06-06 03:56:48
很常见的毛病,是update时data entry没有输入,写信给处理你