刚拿到NIW140要求RFE的通知。一共4段,第一段说已经提供的材料demonstrates that
the proposed research employment has substantial instrinsic merit and would be
national in scope.
接下来两段的意思好象是说我在提交被引用文献时有几片的TITLE PAGE或是BIBLIOGRAPHY
IS MISSING。这似乎还好办,补上就是了。但接下来第四段说:You must establish
you have a past record of specific prior achievement that justifies
projections of future benefit to the national interest. You must establish, in
some capacity, your ability to serve the national interest to a substantially
greater extent than the majority of your colleagues. You must demonstrate to
some degree your influence on your field of employment as a whole.这是什么意思
?难道是还要推荐信和更多的引用文章?还是每一位要求RFE的都有这么一段。 约好了和律师星期一谈,但是想先听听大家的意见,特别是有过RFE或是也在做RFE的同修的见解