萱草2006-07-07 04:25:38
今天收到一封来自CSC-XII.485@dhs.gov 的EMAIL 内容如下 请问我是否真的以后可以通过电话查询我的CASE因为上周去LOCAL OFFICE 问的时候,那个OFFICER说我应该每隔三个月去OFFICE查询一次.
希望大家给个答复.这个NAME CHECK 已经快一年了啊.郁闷中.
Your case is pending at the USCIS Los Angeles District Office and is still waiting for the background security/name check clearance.?Please take note of the following to find out more about your case:


The California Service Center (CSC)燿oes not燼ccept inquiries from the general public via email.?All inquiries must be submitted to爐he燦ational Customer Service Center by calling 1-800-375-5283.?The National Customer Service Center will爎oute your inquiry to the appropriate USCIS District Office or Service Center, and will track your inquiry to a final resolution.?If you've爎eceived a transfer notice regarding your case please inform the National Customer Service Center at the time you submit your inquiry.牋 The National Customer Service Center is available Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, PST.


Officer R. Cruz

California Service Center

Congressional & Customer Service Relations

Division XII

xiaobaitu2006-07-07 05:43:30
萱草2006-07-07 06:11:58