tucb2006-07-10 21:10:31
Does it mean that my name-checking is cleared?

"To promptly respond to requests, we concentrate on identifying main files in the central records system at FBI Headquarters. No records responsive to your FOIPA request were located by a search of the automated indices."

I specifically asked about "name checking", but I guess they just do a gerneral search, anyway.

FYI, although I don't quite understand the below additional information (FBI File Fact Sheet), either.

"The National Name Check Program (NNCP) conducts a search of the FBI's Universal Index to identify ANY information contained in FBI records that may be associated with an individual and provides the results of that search to the requesting Federal, State or local agency. For the NNCP, a name is searched in a multitude of combinations and phonetic spellings to ensure all records are located. The NNCP also searches for both "main" and "cross reference" files. A main file is an entry that carries the name corresponding to the subject of a file while a cross reference is merely a mention of an individual contained in a file. The results from a search of this magnitude can result in several "hits" and "idents" on an individual. In each instance where UNI has identified a name variation or reference, information must be reviewed to deternime whether it is applicable to the individual in question."

"The Record/Information Dissemination Section/Freedom of Information-Privacy Acts (FOIPA) search for records provides copies of FBI files relevant to a FOIPA request for information. FOIPA provides responsive documents to requesters seeeking "reasonably described information." For FOIPA search, the subject name, event, activity, business, or event is searched to determine whether there is an investigative file associated with the subject. This is called a "main file search" and differs from the NNCP search."
DaHeiTu2006-07-10 21:41:46
Never call yourself Adams