extraordinary2006-07-11 18:24:49
To satisfy criteria VIII: Evidence that the alien has performed in a leading or critical role for organizations or establishments that have a distinguished reputation (criterion VIII);the chairman of my dept wrote a letter to confirm that I play a critical role. He also mentioned that as a faculty member in the dept, I am paid from a grant from NIH currently. Do I need to delete this? Or this just does not matter?
ds0082006-07-11 18:53:03
回复:急!EB1 extraordinary ability Petition 问题小白兔!!!
ds0082006-07-11 19:00:32
one more note
aus2006-07-11 19:37:33
回复:急!EB1 extraordinary ability Petition 问题小白兔!!!
extraordinary2006-07-11 20:08:48
回复:one more note