shj2006-07-12 02:39:42
PH.D in china, two first-author english papers, two english papers of corresponding author.very low citation. two more english papers. 7 chinese papers with the first author. Several chinese other papers.
4 chinese patents. (two have already been accepted, two still pending. I am the person who did the patents, but give me the second author. the first author is boss himself.)
review three international papers.
My paper that recent project concerned was only the second author. But the boss is writing another paper in which I will be the first author. Do you think I can apply for NIW now, or wait until the paper written publishs?
How can you get so much recommendations? Thanks a lot!
LoveWhiteRabbit2006-07-12 02:48:07
回复:够资格申请NIW?thanks for help
dachui2006-07-12 03:03:24
回复:够资格申请NIW?thanks for help
meiqian2006-07-12 03:59:41
good enough