pipper2006-07-18 16:18:41
真是倒霉. 3 月份去加拿大重照的照片. 最近收到信说我小孩的还是不合格, 要求再重照. 可是最近太忙可能去不了. 是否会被取消加拿大PR资格. 改怎么办? 各位给出点儿注意. 谢谢!
ohmyboy2006-07-18 16:22:44
回复:Maple Card Picture retaken problem
pipper2006-07-18 16:46:13
回复:回复:Maple Card Picture retaken problem
dogyear2006-07-18 16:49:54
回复:回复:回复:Maple Card Picture retaken problem
ohmyboy2006-07-18 16:51:01
回复:回复:回复:Maple Card Picture retaken problem
CA552006-07-18 16:51:20
I have the same case.
pipper2006-07-18 16:55:03
回复:回复:回复:回复:Maple Card Picture retaken problem
pipper2006-07-18 16:59:26
回复:回复:回复:回复:Maple Card Picture retaken problem