fengxiang2006-07-26 15:54:51

# the H-1B non-immigrant is the beneficiary of an employment based (EB) immigrant petition (I-140) or an application for Adjustment of Status ; and
# 365 days or more have passed since the filing of a labor certification application, Form ETA -750, that is required for the alien to get employment based green card, or 365 days or more have passed since the filing of the EB immigrant petition(I-140).

假设我的H1把明年三月份到期.如果我现在提出PERM, 很快被批准, 然后提出I-140. 如果I-140在2007年三月之前被批准. 我能延期吗?
有点担心的是: 现在是7月份, 到明年三月份,即使LC(PERM)和I-140批了,但从申请日( filing of a labor certification application)到提出延期不够一年,是不是有危险?

请明白人指点! 谢谢谢谢!

aus2006-07-26 15:59:38
回复:也问H1-B 六年延期!
fengxiang2006-07-26 16:05:36
回复:回复:也问H1-B 六年延期!
lzr2006-07-26 16:12:35
Anything other than extending H1 based on LC
sdfsdfsdff2006-07-26 17:20:04
回复:也问H1-B 六年延期!