xupuren2006-08-28 15:08:49

In 2005, I apply for the extension for my H1b and my dependent's H4 in A university, and we got our I-94 form there with the valid datefrom 2005 through 2008 and the sponsor of A University . I just tranfered my H1b visa to B university and got my new I797 and I -94 with the valid to 2007 and the sponsor of B uninversity, but I found that B university did not do the transfer for my dependent. B university explained that as long as my visa is valid, my dependent 's visa status is fine.

Will this affect my wife's parents' B visa application in China if my wife's I-94 show previous valid date and sponsor? What should we do?

My wife is pregnant and her parents are going to apply visa next month. It is very urgent for us. Thank you for the help!!
mytwocents2006-08-28 16:11:09
回复:H1B transfer & 父母探亲签证,紧急求助!
xupuren2006-08-28 16:29:29
回复:回复:H1B transfer & 父母探亲签证,紧急求助!
mytwocents2006-08-28 16:33:56
You do not need to do anything. Your