stinkingbug2006-08-31 23:17:44
Please help:

I have a NIW/485 pending. And I will leave my current job soon, and then I will work (a full time job) in other fields. The new job is local but has nothing to do with my NIW field. According to many experts here, it is risky.

Now I found there might be some funding opportunities in my original field, and I plan to apply for that. But even it is granted sometime this fall (November), the money won't be in place next summer, which means I won't go back to my original work before next summer. So I will still work in the other field for at least ten month.

My question is: if I get 485 RFE when I work for the new company, could I use the grant approval letter as an evidence that I will continue to work in my NIW field? Is this a strong enough evidence? I will be full time working for another company (permanent position) that has nothing to do with national interests. Will USCIS strongly doubt my motivation since I full timely work on something else? In this sense, even unemployment might be better than finding a totally different job, right?

I am really worried, and don't how this gap will be affecting my family's life. Please give some advices! Thank you very much!
stinkingbug2006-09-01 00:05:44
Xiaobaitu, pls give some advices if u r still here
xiaobaitu2006-09-01 00:34:54
It's a difficult question, I think there will be a problem
stinkingbug2006-09-01 00:45:56
so a future grant (offer) won't help much?
stinkingbug2006-09-01 00:52:11
the grant approval letter will be ready very soon (if I get it)
xiaobaitu2006-09-01 01:05:29
Usually the officer will think the situation right now,
stinkingbug2006-09-01 01:12:53
Thank you for your help!
wangcai2006-09-01 03:32:26
回复:Please help about 485 pending changing jobs
stinkingbug2006-09-01 03:38:59
No space to argue for me