Iguessguess2006-10-02 16:26:54
Iguessguess2006-10-02 16:27:56
请问Andrew Fair(在NY)律师怎么样?
cherrybay2006-10-02 16:57:29
I think he is OK.
Iguessguess2006-10-02 17:01:31
Thanks a lot, cherrybay. Could you answer me more question?
Iguessguess2006-10-02 17:04:07
And how much he charged? Thanks a lot.
tween102006-10-02 17:10:02
呵呵, 他刚刚获得2006 Nobel生理学及医学奖.
imrabbit2006-10-02 17:14:21
回复:And how much he charged? Thanks a lot.
Cherrybay2006-10-02 17:43:41
回复:Thanks a lot, cherrybay. Could you answer me more question
Cherrybay2006-10-02 17:45:35
回复:And how much he charged? Thanks a lot.
Iguessguess2006-10-02 18:00:36
?Are you sure they are the same person?
Iguessguess2006-10-02 18:01:30
Thanks. Which one did you use? Eb1 or Eb2 or NIW?
Iguessguess2006-10-02 18:07:25
dmyb2006-10-02 18:41:10
That is Ansy Fire, not fair:呵呵, 他刚刚获得2006 Nobel生理学及
辣凉粉2006-10-02 22:18:04