gracele2006-10-19 20:17:18
A professor wants to hire me, but he let myself apply for H1, who can tell me any lawyer good in Geoagia State? 2. And if I DIY, NOT use a lawyer, is it complicate? where I can find the information to tell me how to do? Thank you in Advance.
freecall2006-10-19 20:39:16
Uni. HR will take care of it
Martinlu20033152006-10-19 23:13:12
回复:please help me, thanks, H1B
gracele2006-10-19 23:20:13
回复:回复:please help me, thanks, H1B
Martinlu20033152006-10-20 14:50:38
回复:回复:回复:please help me, thanks, H1B
MartinLu20033152006-10-20 20:13:18
回复:please help me, thanks, H1B