fmln2006-11-02 23:53:27
Just read a couple of posts on this topic. A bit confused. Just want to check if I get it right.

1. If EAD is applied and accepted, but never used, H-1B will not become invalid. Is that true?

2. If EAD is in the process of applying and H-1B become invalid, the peitioner can still leagally stay in US. But the petitioner cannot work anymore? True?

3. Based on 2, if EAD is approved and H-1B is invalid, EAD has to be used to qualify the legal stay, although probably no job yet. True?

4.If a job is located, only EAD can be used for that job and H-1B cannot be re-applied. True?

5. Go back to 2. If before EAD is approved a job is located, can a H-1B be re-applied? And EAD can still be taken as never-touched?

6. Assume in a concurrent filling. If 140 is denied, does that mean EAD is denied too and the petitioner has to leave states at once unless "suit"? What if this time the petitioner already has a job and can apply H-1?

Thanks for clearing these EAD issues.

xiaobaitu2006-11-03 00:29:01
回复:to xiaobaitu and other experts: EAD and H1B
fmln2006-11-03 01:58:29
回复:回复:to xiaobaitu and other experts: EAD and H1B
fmln2006-11-03 13:36:59
xiaobaitu 可以再回答一下吗? 谢谢 回复:回复:回复:to xiaobaitu