Hippo1232006-11-24 19:48:07
I ted my EB1A at Nov 14, 2006 and just got the RFE from NSC center on

The following is my background and the RFE, please help me to analyze my

personal background

1: 9 english journal papers & 1 chinese journal paper, all are in good
journal in my field. 7 conference papers & three presentations in these

2: outstanding Ph.D. graduate in my department
3: some more student scholarship or awards.

3: independently review 3 papers for a good journal & help my original boss
to review other several papers (not mentioned in the petition letter since
it will not be counted as mention by others)

4: one Patent for several countries

5: One paper was selected as one of the top 25 toppest download papers in
2005 & another paper was selected as one of the 100 toppest download papers
in another good journal in 2004 (the email to confirm for the 100 toppest
download paper has been deleted so no evidence for it)

6: some memberships (but are mainly student memberships)

7: 50 citations

Here is the RFE:

The documentation ted with the petition indicates that you are a
proficient research engineer, and the importance of the research in the
field of engineering is not in question. However, it is not apparent from
the evidence that you have the level of acclaim required for the visa

Witness letters ted with this petition will be given due consideration
. But $ C. F. R $ 204 states "a petition for an alien of extraordinary
ability must be accompanied by evidence that the alien has sustained
national or international acclaim and that his or her achievement have been
recognized in the field of expertise.

Please any available additional documentary evidence of acclaim, in
existence as of the petition priority date, of the type shown below to
demonstrate sustained national or internaltional acclaim. For example, for
awards or prize ted, explain the reputation of the organization
granting the award, the significance of the award, and the criteria used to
select the recipient. For published material about the alien's work, the
evidence must clearly indicate that the work is significant. An unevaluated
listing in a subject matter index or footnote, or a reference to the work
without evaluation is insufficient. For evidence that includes participation
as a judge of the work of others in the field, provide evidence to show the
criteria for selection as a panelist, reviewer, etc. For evidence that
include authorship of scholarly article, provide evidence to show the
sigfinance of the article of the publications in which they appeared.

evidence that you have subtained national or international acclaim
that your achievement have been recognized in the field of expertise. Such
evidence shall include evidence of a one-time achivement (that is , a major
international recognized award) or at least three of the following:

1. Documentation of your receipt of lesser nationally or internationally
recognized prizes or award for excellence in the field of endeavor. You must
explain the reputation of the organization granting the award, and the
significance of the award, and the criteria used to select the recipient;

2. Documentation of your membership in associations in the field for which
classification is sought, which require outstanding achievement of their
members, as judged by recognized national or international experts in their
disciplines or fields. You must include evidence of the requirements
necessary to meet for membership;

3. Published material about you in professional or major trade publications
or other major media relating to your work in the field for which
classification is sought. (The evidence must also clearly indicate that the
work is significant: an unevaluated list in a subject matter index or
footnote, or a reference to the work without evaluation is insufficient, or
a mere reference to your work or inclusion of your publication
bibliographies or footnotes, would also be insufficient.) Such evidence must
include the title, date, and author of the material, and any necessary

4. Evidence of your participation on a panel, or individually, as a judge of
the work of others in the same or an allied field of specialization for
which classification is sought. You must include evidence of the criteria
for selection as a panelist, reviewer, etc;

5. Evidence of your original scientific, scholarly, artistic, athletic or
business-related contribution of major significance in the field. The
evidence must show the importance of such contributions to the field.

6. Evidence that those outside the alien’s circle of colleagues and
acquaintances consider the work important is especially valuable.

7. Evidence of your authorship of scholarly articles in the field, in
professional or major trade publications or other major media. As careers in
the academic, scientific and professional worlds often feature and
sometimes even require publishing articles, the evidence should also explain
the significance of the publications in which these articles appeared;

8. Evidence of the display of your work in the field at artistic exhibitions
or showcases;

9. Evidence that you have performed in a leading or critical role for
organizations or establishments that have a distinguished reputation. The
evidence should also explain the organization’s reputation.

10. Evidence that you have commanded remuneration for your services that is
significantly higher in relation to others in the field; or

11. Evidence of commercial successes in the performing arts, as shown by box
office receipts or record, cassette, compact disk, or video sales.

The mere submission of the three or more of the above items may not estabish
eligibility for the classification. Extraordinary ability is defined as "a
level of expertise indicating that the individual is one of the that small
percentate who have risen to the very top of the field of endeavor". The
evidence must clearly demonstrate that you have sustained national or
international acclaim that your achivement have been recognized as
extraordinary by others in the field.

Please do not duplicate copies of.....

WorthIt2006-11-24 22:12:17
回复:EB1A RFE help