xiaoshagua2006-12-08 20:43:25
My online message didn't change before I received the 2nd finger print notice recently and the message still didn't get changed after I did the 2nd finger print at the end of last month. Is it normal? I am afraid they didn't receive the finger print so there's no update at all.
LazyBoy2006-12-08 21:06:58
don't worry about it, I did multiple finger prints b4 my gc appr
wudu2006-12-08 21:35:32
It's abnormal!
xiaoshagua2006-12-08 21:44:33
what's your case status now?
xiaoshagua2006-12-08 21:44:56
atoms2006-12-08 22:26:59
silimilar situation with me