心海2007-01-02 19:06:58
关于准备pay stub,是目前公司的pay stub就够了,还是之前所有工作过的公司都要准备pay stub,我01年在纽约工作过8个月,02年开始读研,期间做曾在两家公司做过internship,其中一家毕业后继续工作了不到一年,然后跳槽到目前这家公司,也是目前H1b的雇主,工作了有1年半了,去加拿大签证是要带多少pay stubs?是不是目前公司的就够了,还是以往所有工作过的pay stub都要?

ninger2007-01-02 21:17:50
回复:加拿大第三国签证,关于pay stub问题。
心海2007-01-02 21:34:10
Thanks a lot, Could you share with me the date and the consulate
心海2007-01-02 21:35:08
that you got the approval.
ninger2007-01-02 23:54:16
回复:Thanks a lot, Could you share with me the date and the con
ninger2007-01-03 00:01:33
Employment letter is a must also
vivian222007-01-03 19:15:54
回复:Employment letter is a must also