xyzxyz1232007-01-23 18:30:33
I was a participator for a project before, that project was awarded for 国家科技进步奖. BUT I was not the PIs, I did not get any certificate.

Can I use that award as an evidence for my EB-1B application? If yes, how to verify that? Is the participation verification from my university going to work?

Any other comments and suggestions?

Thank you for your kind help.

iamdone2007-01-23 19:20:42
Yes, you can use it to support
winter012007-01-23 20:55:44
回复:喊一声, 有谁知道? 国家科技进步奖
worryabout4852007-01-23 21:16:11
只有 PIs才会有证书, 所以我觉得很难证明你是main contributor