cold_wind2007-02-12 05:31:23

How many times you extend your H1 in that company? I mean was that 2nd extension when you did 7th yr extension?

可爱小龟2007-02-12 06:03:05
回复:Hi, 可爱小龟 can you tell me?
可爱小龟2007-02-12 06:11:31
回复:回复:Hi, 可爱小龟 can you tell me?
cold_wind2007-02-12 13:59:08
Thank You!
TX_Kitty2007-02-12 14:19:27
if I remembered correctly, they asked for 1500/750$
TX_Kitty2007-02-12 14:34:18
one stupid suggestion