NAME CHECK 等得不耐烦了,就填了一份FOIPA (FREEDOM OF INFORMATION-PRIVACY ACTS) 寄到FBI去,倒是很快就收到FBI 得回信了,内容如下,但是不是很懂,还请各位帮忙看看,非常感谢!
“To promptly respond to requests, we concentrate on indentifying main files in the central records system at FBI headquarters. No records responsive to your FOIPA request were located by a search of the automated indices."
" You may file an administrative appeal by writing to the Director, Officce of information and Privacy........" 有必要去做这个吗?我其实就想确定他们有在处理我的case, 但是怎么看起来好像没有我的档案之类的呢? 烦请小白兔指教。 谢谢了!